Trauma Counseling
Are you ready to change your life and move forward after a traumatic experience?
Have you experienced a stressful event such as the loss of a loved one, a car accident, a manmade or natural disaster?
Perhaps witnessed a violent act or crime?
Are you suffering from an illness or disability?
Are you ready to overcome and heal your emotional wounds?
Understanding Trauma and Its Effects
Trauma is common and occurs when someone experiences something that overwhelms his/her ability to cope and integrate the emotional experience. The definition of trauma is intentionally broad due to the fact that an experience(s) that could be traumatic can vary from person to person, and it is up to the individual survivor to determine what has been traumatic for him/her. Regardless of whether or not your traumatic experience occurred years ago or very recently, it can have a profound effect on your life and your psyche.
Trauma can result from a variety of experiences such as:
An accident
Natural disaster
Abuse- emotional, sexual, physical
Loss and grief
Crimes or violence
Major health conditions or procedures
War/military experiences, among many others
People often believe that trauma occurs following a singular event, which can absolutely happen but is not always the case. Sometimes trauma is the result of interactions that build up over time.
How Trauma Impacts You
Trauma disregulates the nervous system by igniting a tremendous amount of adrenaline. When the adrenaline used for survival is not released or used up, the nervous system can disregulate the body by becoming stuck in a state where there is either too little regulation or too much disregulation. Too little regulation can cause a lack of motivation, depression, fatigue, lethargy. Too much disregulation can create panic, anxiety, hyper vigilance, mania, insomnia, paranoia, among others. The desire is to achieve a balanced, or regulated, nervous system so that the body can be calm, energized, and empowered. When we help the body in completing a successful defensive/survival response it can often return the nervous system back to a state of regulation.
Symptoms of Trauma and Traumatic Stress may include:
Startle response
Feeling helpless, hopeless, and/or numb
Sleeping difficulties
Rapid heart beat, stomach aches, dizziness, headaches, among others
Re-experiencing original trauma
Avoidance of situations similar to the traumatic event(s)
Perceiving threats in situations when no threat exists
Unresolved trauma can cause distress in a number of ways. Maybe you are having difficultly with trust and emotional intimacy in your relationships. Perhaps you are avoiding your emotions or distracting yourself from having to think or feel. Do you find yourself reacting in ways that are uncharacteristic for you? Numb or more sensitive? Some people live their entire lives stuck in a fight or flight mode, never resolving trauma. Living this way is exhausting and can wreak havoc on your nervous system.
Trauma can impact all areas of your life and prevent you from achieving your goals.
Trauma Therapy Can Help You Feel Better
Thankfully help is available and there are constructive ways to manage emotions and recover from trauma, including EMDR therapy. Discovering new and healthy ways to be, and interact with, yourself and the world after trauma is possible. Trauma therapy can be very effective and help you get to the root of your symptoms. You can learn tools to effectively manage intrusive thoughts and distressing emotions. Trauma therapy can help you feel more in control, more confident, calmer, safer, and secure. I would be honored to work with you in a safe and supported way.
“Trauma is the most avoided, ignored, denied, misunderstood and untreated cause of suffering.”
- Peter Levine